![Јевреји Србије у Првом светском рату](https://prvisvetskirat.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/jevreji-srbije-u-prvom-svetskom-ratu-ikona-006-300x194.jpg)
Serbia in World War One
Serbia also was never given the status of an ally of the Entente powers, which had negative consequences on warfare.
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Serbia also was never given the status of an ally of the Entente powers, which had negative consequences on warfare.
Србија у Првом светском рату 1914–1918, чудесан је пример храбрости, ратничких способности, љубави и достојанства целокупног њеног становништва, без обзира на пол, старост, веру и националност.
Serbia in World War One 1914–1918, is a magnificent example of courage, warrior skills, love and dignity of the overall population, irrespective of gender, age, religion or nationality.